The opening of Mindspace Skyliner follows six years after Mindspace opened its first location in Poland, Mindspace Koszyki, in 2017. Situated within the 42-floor Skyliner building in Warsaw, Mindspace Skyliner is just a 5-minute walk from public transport and has direct access to the M2 metro line. The new location offers s4,400 sqm of private offices, boutique meeting rooms and lounge areas. Each floor at  Mindspace Skyliner, i.e. floors 9 through 11, has a separate lobby and common lounge area, serving as central meeting points for tenants and visitors from a wide range of industries.

“We’re so excited to open a second location in Warsaw after six years since the first opening,” said Michał Kwinta, City Lead Poland at Mindspace. “We’ve definitely gotten new insights that helped us tailor the perfect set-up at Mindspace Skyliner. For example, we’ve been seeing a higher demand from companies wanting to rent offices for 10+ people, which is why we are offering larger units at Mindspace Skyliner than we do at Mindspace Koszyki. The majority of our suites are also equipped with private meeting rooms and offices. The main interest for both our Mindspace locations in Warsaw still comes from companies within the IT and FinTech industries. While Mindspace Koszyki offers a more lifestyle-oriented environment, Mindspace Skyliner is considered a more business-oriented location.”

Among the first members at Mindspace Skyliner is an IT company, which took up an office space for its team of 70 people.