What is BREEAM certification?

BREEAM certification is a comprehensive environmental rating system for buildings that analyzes their environmental and social impact. Key aspects such as energy efficiency, use of water resources, occupant comfort, air quality, building materials used and waste management are evaluated. In office buildings, BREEAM certification can bring tangible benefits not only to owners, but also to tenants who rely on innovative, comfortable and environmentally friendly workplaces.


Why is BREEAM certification important for office buildings?


1. increased energy efficiency and reduced operating costs


BREEAM-certified office buildings are designed for maximum energy efficiency. By using modern energy management systems, such as LED lighting, intelligent heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, owners can significantly reduce operating costs. Such technologies minimize energy consumption, which is particularly important in large office buildings, where daily operating costs can be very high.

In addition, BREEAM office buildings can use renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic panels, further optimizing costs. The investment in energy efficiency becomes more profitable in the long term, with lower operating costs for both owners and tenants.


2 Attracting modern tenants and higher rents


Green office buildings are attracting increasing interest from companies with a focus on sustainability. Companies from a variety of industries, especially technology and finance, are looking for office spaces that are in line with their ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) values and strategies. Renting an office in a BREEAM-certified building allows them not only to emphasize their commitment to the environment, but also to comply with regulatory and market requirements related to environmental reporting.

BREEAM certification also increases an office building's competitiveness in the market, which translates into the possibility of higher rental rates. Office building owners can expect more interest in office space and long-term tenants who value comfort, modernity and energy efficiency.


3 Better working conditions and higher employee productivity

Office buildings certified to the BREEAM standard are designed with the health and comfort of users in mind. High air quality, adequate soundproofing, natural lighting and temperature regulation contribute to better employee well-being. Studies show that employees who work in a healthy and comfortable environment are more productive and less prone to illness, resulting in lower absenteeism and higher business performance for companies.

Access to natural light, sustainable ventilation systems and advanced air-conditioning technologies ensure optimal working conditions all year round. For employers, this is an important advantage, as appropriate workplace conditions attract talent and promote employee retention.


4 Strengthening corporate image and social responsibility

Companies that choose to lease offices in BREEAM-certified buildings can emphasize their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. This is crucial for many industries, especially with the increasing regulation of ESG reporting and the increased emphasis on transparency of environmental activities.

By leasing an office in a sustainable building, companies can present themselves as innovative and caring about the environment, which positively impacts their relationships with clients, business partners and investors. Environmental responsibility and concern for employee well-being are increasingly seen as an asset that can increase trust in a company.


How does BREEAM certification affect the market value of an office building?


1 Higher rents and greater tenant interest

Office buildings with BREEAM certification are more popular with tenants, which allows property owners to obtain higher rental rates. Long-term leases in green buildings are more stable, which translates into greater financial security for owners. Companies that focus on sustainability are willing to pay more for office spaces that meet high environmental standards.


2 Increase property value


Investing in BREEAM-certified office buildings can significantly increase the market value of the property. Sustainable buildings are seen as more attractive to investors, who see the potential for long-term profitability. With lower operating costs, fewer regulatory risks, and greater financial stability from high-quality tenants, BREEAM office buildings have a higher market value than traditional buildings.


BREEAM certification process for office buildings

Obtaining BREEAM certification is a multi-step process that includes an analysis of the building's design, construction and use. An important aspect is the proper design of the building at the concept stage so that it meets environmental criteria. At a later stage, certification involves monitoring aspects such as energy efficiency, water management, air quality and waste management.

Key technologies, such as intelligent building management systems (BMS - Building Management System), must be implemented in order for a building to achieve the appropriate BREEAM rating. This process can result in one of five levels of certification: Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent or Outstanding.


Examples of sustainable technologies used in BREEAM office buildings.

1. intelligent building management systems (BMS)

BMS systems enable real-time monitoring and control of energy consumption, temperature, lighting and ventilation. This allows for optimal management of resources and reduction of operating costs.


2 Renewable energy sources

BREEAM office buildings often use renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaic panels and heat pumps, which support sustainable energy production and reduce CO2 emissions.


3 Sustainable building materials

BREEAM office buildings use sustainable building materials that have a low carbon footprint, such as FSC-certified wood and recycled materials.


4. green roofs and green spaces

An important element of sustainable office building designs are green roofs and recreational spaces around buildings, which not only improve aesthetics, but also affect air quality and reduce the urban heat island effect.

BREEAM certification for office buildings is an investment that benefits both owners and tenants. Green office buildings are more energy efficient, attract modern tenants, improve working conditions and enhance the image of companies. Thanks to innovative technologies and proper resource management, BREEAM-certified office buildings are becoming the future of the commercial real estate market, offering long-term benefits and higher returns on investment. Renting or owning BREEAM-compliant office space is a step toward sustainability and efficient building management.